Accountant General’s Units

Accounting and Reporting

The Accounting and Reporting Unit within the Accountant General Department is responsible the following functions within the department:

Maintenance of the Government’s Accounting Records:

The Accountant General is tasked with ensuring that a proper system of accounts is established in every ministry and department so that all monies received by or on behalf of the Government or paid by the Government is brought to account properly.

The Accounting and Reporting Unit is responsible for creating new accounts to be used by the various line ministries and departments within the Government service. These accounts are maintained on the ITMS financial management system.

Preparation of the Annual Public Accounts:

The Annual Public Accounts are the government’s vehicle for reporting to the public the financial outcomes of the previous financial year.

The Finance Administration Act of 2007 states that the Accountant General shall within six (6) months after the end of each financial year, prepare the Public Accounts, certify the accounts and submit copies to the Director of Audit. The Finance Administration Act outlines the various reports and schedules that are included in the Public Accounts. The unit is tasked with providing these accounts as stated by the Finance Administration Act, 2007.

Reconciliation of Government’s bank accounts:

Reconciliation is part of the financial auditing process to verify the accuracy of the financial transactions. Reconciliation ensures that all of government’s revenue and expenditure are brought to account properly and promptly in the ITMS financial management system.

Computation of Pension and Gratuities:

The Accountant General Department has the sole responsibility of computing the retirement benefits of appointed civil servants.

Pensions and gratuities are computed based on:

1. Pension Act Cap 22.06 – Regulations for the granting of pensions, gratuities and other allowances to officers

2. The Police Act No. 6 of 2003

3. Saint Christopher and Nevis Defence Force (Pension and Gratuity) Regulations No. 25 of 2009

Treasury Management and Financial Control

The Financial Control and Treasury Management Unit is responsible for the maintenance of the Treasury’s filing system. All correspondence to and from the Accountant General Department must flow through this Unit. The Unit is responsible for the review of all Reconciliation Statements (Bank account to the Cash Book and General Ledger, Payroll, Pensions, Treasury Bills, etc); Cash Flow Projections; Statement of Daily Cash Position; Daily Revenue and Expenditure Statements; Monthly Management Reports from other Units. It is responsible for Personnel Development and Training and the management of the Treasury Department’s budget.

Cash Management

The Cash Management unit is responsible for government’s cash flow, short-term investments, cash forecasting and banking relations.

The Cash Management Unit objective is to control bank account balances and bank systems cost effectively, so that Government’s obligations are adequately funded and cash is invested efficiently.


  • Ensure adequate cash flow and liquidity to the Government’s short and long-term cash requirements.
  • Provide Daily and monthly Cash Summary Reports detailing the inflows and outflows of the Government.
  • Manage the opening and closing of all Government’s bank accounts.
  • Control bank account balances and bank systems cost effectively.
  • Project future cash flows and requirements.
  • Monitors the cost of Government’s borrowing.
  • Monitor the performance of the Government’s investment.

Customer Services

A part of its mission of managing the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis finances and resources, the ‘Customer Service Section’ of the Accountant General Department serves many customers on a daily basis. At the Accountant General Department, we aim to be a citizen centered organization and to serve our customers in the most professional, expedient, and convenient manner possible. This section provides timely, accurate and efficient disbursements of cheques and collects revenues. This section also prides itself on marketing, mobilizing and maintaining savings plans designed specifically and affordably by the Government of St. Kitts to fit the need of the general public.

Debt Management – Back Office

This Unit performs the following major operational functions related to the management of the Public Debt of St. Kitts and Nevis (domestic and external debt for Central Government, Nevis Island Administration and Public Corporations):

  • Debt recording: basic details, terms and conditions, actual transactions, exchange and interest rates.
  • Maintenance of an accurate and up-to-date debt database.
  • Validation of debt transactions with creditor statements.
  • Preparation of annual debt service forecasts for Central Government for Budget purposes.
  • Ensure timely debt service payments for Central Government: generate monthly debt service projections for Cash Management Unit to ensure that sufficient funds are available for payments.
  • Provide Public Debt Reports to stakeholders on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

Management Information Systems

The Management Information Systems Unit is responsible for the management and maintenance of the all infrastructure upon which the financial systems of the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis operate. This includes the Government Wide Area Network (GWAN), the Accountant General’s Department’s primary server facility, all back-up facilities and all disaster recovery server facilities. The MIS Unit is also responsible for the administration of the primary Financial Management application and the primary Budgeting Application.

The Accountant General’s MIS Unit works closely with the MIS Units of the Customs and Exercise Department, the Inland Revenue Depart and the National Information Communication and Technology Department in order to synchronize efforts and efficiently administer all relevant Government Applications and resources.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit is a management function which exists to assist ministries and departments to function at the highest levels while ensuring that public resources are used effectively, efficiently and economically. The Internal Audit Unit supports this mission by providing independent analysis of the financial activities, operations, risk management and systems of internal controls within these ministries and departments.

The objectives of the Internal Audit Unit include the following:

  • Ascertaining the level of compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures.
  • Ensuring the economical, effective and efficient use of resources.
  • Ascertaining the effectiveness with which assets are accounted for and safeguarded.
  • Ensuring integrity and reliability of financial and operational information produced by ministries and departments.
  • Conducting special audits as requested by senior management.
  • Ensuring audit recommendations are implemented.

The Internal Audit Unit performs various types of audit which include:

  • Internal Control Review
  • Financial Audit
  • Operational Audit
  • Compliance Audit
  • Investigative Audit
  • Information Systems Audit

Payroll Management

The Payroll Management Unit ensures the processing of Payroll for all Government employees in a timely manner. The current payroll system processes wages, salaries and pension payments and manages all related deductions.

This Unit works closely with Human Resources Management Department. All new continuing (permanent) or fixed term staff should refer to Human Resource Management Department (located in Government Headquarters) in the first instance.

The Payroll Management Unit is responsible for:

  • Maintaining and Managing of Pension database;
  • Processing and disbursement of payroll to financial institutions;
  • Ensure that Government contributions are paid to the Social Security Board;
  • Deductions to external bodies;
  • Issuing pay slips and responding to related enquiries;
  • Managing overpayment procedures.

Electricity Management

This Unit was established in April of 2012 and is responsible for the recording, verifying and analyzing of electricity billing data of all Ministries and Departments of the Government. All the electricity bills of the Government are forwarded to this unit for recording and payment. The objectives of the Unit include:

  • To timely remit payments
  • To analyze and highlight trends and usages
  • To manage bills discrepancies
  • To allow real-time Electricity Report Management
  • To operate efficiently
  • To contribute to overall cost reduction